Client FAQ's

Essential information at your fingertips, because we know you have questions.

Client Faq’s

You'll Find Answers Here!

  • What countries do you recruit from regularly?

    We can source from almost any country. We have hired people from the APAC region, including the Philippines, Pakistan, & Indonesia; and we have hired in South America, including Colombia, Argentina & Guatemala.

  • How do you decide what countries to target?

    We have worked with analysts and consultants to narrow down the best bang for the buck based on different roles. We have made hundreds of hires across different regions and learned along the way.

  • Do my workers work US hours or their local time?

    90% of our workers work US hours and have worked US hours for many years.

  • Is it cruel for us to make workers work during their graveyard shift?

    Not at all. This lifestyle is one they chose long before they applied for the role. The role also clearly explains the expectation to work US hours.

  • I'm not sure how my customers will react to someone with an accent. How do they sound?

    Listen for yourself here (link to a page with a few short clips of our reps).

  • What type of roles do you hire for?

    We are a custom recruitment firm. This means we don't have a stable of talented people we are trying to place. We work with you to create the Job Description and criteria for the role. This allows us to stay away from trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. Because of this, we can hire for any role.

  • Do you choose the candidates? Or do we select them?

    We filter through nearly 500 applicants per role and present to you the best of the best. In the end, you interview them and make the final say on who joins your team.

  • Can we use you for part-time roles?

    No. We focus on filling full-time roles.