Creating a positive social impact as a mission-based company
Enzo strives to make a positive impact worldwide, especially in the countries where our team members live. We strive to create social impact through revitalizing developing economies and tailored service projects.
The positive impact we help create in developing countries is where we tend to aim our social impact. However, the social impact on American companies and American society is important to what we do. We see social impact more locally in three main ways, and the first is bias.
Enzo was made based on the idea that if you want to help a community or country in the long run, you need to improve the economy. When you hire a team member from a developing country, someone else fills in to take their old job, and someone else takes their job, and so on. This creates a ripple effect, where people can make more money, and the economy is lifted. This will take a long time. One staffing company doesn't have the power to build a strong economy by itself, but it's a step in the right direction. It's one of the main reasons this company was created. This type of change isn't cosmetic and can be hard to see immediately. But it's the type of change that makes a long-lasting impact.
Bias is a huge part of American culture, it is often unconscious, and we are biased without even realizing it. This is dangerous and stunts us as a society. One of the best ways to fight bias is through exposure and connection. When American companies work with people from offshore, it tears down preconceived notions one might have about a group of people. It allows us to push through stereotypes and have a clearer view of the people and the world around them. Bias has a hugely negative social impact in America, by connecting people from around the world, we are working to combat that bias.
Diverse collaboration creates success. Study after study has shown that a diverse company of people outperforms homogeneous companies. This is because you are bringing together individuals with different perspectives on creativity and how to problem solve, which every role requires. Diversity generates innovation, which helps not only companies but also society.
Built into the very structure of Enzo is cultural exchange. We are constantly learning from the people around us, both in our workplace and out of it. By introducing people from other cultures we enhance work collaboration. But when you focus on social impact, you will also see, we are enriching our way of life. We are all connected by our global citizenship. When we engage in any cultural exchange, we are strengthening our collective human society. By encouraging the collaboration and exchange of different cultures, we create connection and unity.